Deadlines and deadlifts

Sunday, 11 February 2018


Been a while since I updated you all.. So what's been going on with me?

IT'S 2018

Firstly how an earth are we almost half way through February? Blimey just have to blink and we're into next week!

"New year, new me" - enough of the BS, no one should wait until a "NEW YEAR", if you're determined to make any changes however big or small, fitness related or changes to your body clock.. the change starts when you realise you want to make a difference to your life, don't wait and say 'Tomorrow' or 'One day' not even 'if only I did..', live life to the best of your abilities and more, have no regrets and be proud of everything you accomplish. We learn many things from many of the greats.. "Age eighteen or nineteen is when the mind is ready... if you wait till thirty it's too late" (Schwarzenegger, A. Total Recall. 2012)


I've started a new uni course - Exercise and Fitness management. For those who have been following my blog and any of my social media, you will know how passionate I am about fitness and lifestyle. I was very lucky and fortunate to be able to transfer onto this course. The more I study my passion, the more I can't wait to pursue and persevere into the fitness industry. It's going to be a challenge, but one I'm very excited for!

Deadline season is approaching, now this doesn't excite me quite as much as starting the new course! We don't get anywhere in life without a little hard work, so here's to hibernating in the library for the next few months.


During last year I had many problems with knee, hip and shoulder pain due to lacking mobility, this made simple lifting movements such as deadlifts and squatting extremely difficult and rather painful which was ridiculously frustrating especially as I love lifting so much! I had to find a solution.. which was focusing on my mobility! Plenty of stretching, regular walking and required rest periods enabled my hip flexes to loosen, my knee pain to decrease and my shoulders, still very temperamental but with incorporated resistance training they're getting stronger and less painful. Taking regular supplements for joint care helped massively (supplements such as Osteocare and Omega-3)

I set a goal at the end of 2017 to squat 80kg for high reps (8-12). I knew this would be a challenging task after taking into consideration my poor mobility (it was painful to body weight squat let alone 80!) However.. the magic, the miracle, the MOBILITY absolutely saved me and last week I squatted 80kg for 10 reps!! Smashing goals means we have to create new ones! Here's a new goal of squatting 100kg for high reps, now that is going to be something to chase, my 1RM in August was only 97.5kg therefore here's to 2018 and many personal records to come.

Deadlifts - there's no real goal set for these currently, after putting my body through such strain (I was testing heavy lifts (1-5 reps) multiple days of the week) I like to just get in there and do them! Whether they're 120kg or 60kg, I'm not particularly bothered, as long as I start with the right mentality and finish with pride and achievement through using correct technique, I'm happy. I love to test my limits, and increase my weight but ONLY if I feel comfortable with this, as soon as I lose the correct positioning and posture or I begin to feel pain, it either terminates or the weight is dropped and I focus on the movement properly. Currently deadlifting 100-110kg 4x6, and I'm okay with that!

I am absolutely loving my training currently, every session is always challenging, I feel great during and after the sessions and I have constant support from my coach! There's been some good weeks and some bad weeks, however perseverance is key, we learn from our failures and that is what makes us successful! I have seen progress in my training (strength and endurance), body composition, shape and my overall mental state.  If you're wanting to make a change but can't motivate yourself or have tried everything possible, get in touch with Chris Peden (

What do want to you train for? Are you doing it for yourself, a loved one, someone you want to impress or to increase your fitness, loose fat, gain strength, prep for a comp? At the end of the day I train because I love to, not because I have to or because remarks about my body have been over heard, but because I wanted to for myself, I have gained self confidence, happiness and strength out of it too. Once you begin to like what you see, feel happy with what you see and be positive other people will notice this too and it's the best feeling to have positive comments directed at you instead of yourself being paranoid and feeling negative all the time which will only lead to obsessive behaviour which is not healthy and interferes with your social circle and your mental/physical and emotional state. Do what makes you happy, enjoy life, enjoy what you do and most of all have fun! Be true and honest with yourself, don't expect too much and just live everyday as it comes.

Love always,