Another fitness post! - improvised circuits and cutting carbs

Sunday, 31 July 2016


What better way to spend your free time in summer than working out??!! Feeling sluggish and a little bloated? Get your trainers on and break a sweat.. you're bound to feel more energised! This morning before work I was down the gym, (8am on a Sunday!! Get motivated!) And it's right, I felt amazing for the rest of the day!

Working out is very important however so is a healthy diet, stick to fruits full of energy such as Bananas with their high potassium levels and a bowl of porridge oats with chia seeds for slow burning energy to keep you going for longer.. this way you're less likely to pick through the day and you will stick to your meals! A lot of people do have a problem with snacking during the day so one way I feel reduced this is by creating a food diary, so you only eat what you've written down.. this really worked for me! Allow yourself some snacks but make them healthy, such as a handful of almonds, or a yoghurt, or even an apple. After all if you can't eat an apple then you're not hungry you're just bored!

On the topic of your diet.. I have cut out carbs including bread, potato and pasta. This has been rather tricky however swap pasta for couscous and quinoa, potato for a lighter sweet potato and bread for rye.. a lot healthier and much lighter, as I used to find carbs would bloat me yet switching the regular carbs for lower carb intake I feel a lot better for it.. dedication and commitment is all it takes!

My top 5 foods :

  • Super seeds porridge oats
  • Almonds
  • Avocado
  • Pineapple
  • Alpro soya yoghurt

Make a list of your top foods and try and incorporate them into your weekly meals.. you'll be more excited about your meal times and less likely to snack on naughty foods that you know you don't really want!

Also another tip is, don't scare yourself over numbers, it's what you see and how you feel not what you weigh! Muscle and a toned body is much more attractive than ribs and bones! Eat properly, work out properly.. love yourself! And track it.. don't be afraid to show off and boast your progress! Believe and you will achieve. 

Pre season started last week and the fitness killed us all!! Really showed us how we need to improve our game for the upcoming season... All's well end's well! No pain no gain as they say. Bring on the scrums.. 

Making up circuits is one of my favourite things to do in the gym.. especially if you've got the time to do 4/5 sets. If I don't have time to work on everything then I will just target my legs or back using the bar to squat and leg raise. In my circuits I've been loving box jump burpees too.. as hard as they may be.. definitely worth it! 

Stay focused on both your everyday attitude, your physical well being and your diet, you will feel great! 

Hope you enjoyed this little fitness post and it's motivated some of you! Stop saying one day when that one day could be today! 

Love always, 

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